
Cancel yearly subscription

Step 1: To cancel your subscription, navigate to the main menu on the left-hand side of the page. Scroll down and click on the Settings button.


Step 2: When your main page opens, click on the Billing & Invoices button.


Step 3: This will open to an overview of your subscription and billing.


Step 4: On the bottom of this page, you will find a red Cancel Subscription button. If you want to cancel your subscription, click on it.


Step 5: A pop-up box will then ask you if to confirm that you are sure you want to cancel your subscription. Tick the Yes, I’m sure box and click Confirm to cancel your subscription.


Step 6: Once your subscription has been cancelled, you will still have access to Farmdeck until the end of your current billing period (this date will be displayed).

If you want to request a refund on your cancelled subscription for the remaining subscription period, please email

Step 7: If you have changed your mind, or if you have accidently clicked cancel, you can click on the Re-activate Now button to re-activate your account.