Frequently asked questions

How do I download the Farmdeck app?

To download the Farmdeck app on your mobile device, follow these instructions:

  • With iOS, search and download Farmdeck via the Apple Store on your Iphone. 
  • With Android, search and download Farmdeck on Google Play. 

Both versions are free to download.

How do I purchase a custom plan or add-ons?

To purchase a custom Farmdeck plan or add-ons, you have to contact us directly via or on the phone at 02 8879 3850. Unfortunately, they can’t be bought through the website yet as our team wants to make sure the Farmdeck solution you choose is the best for you.

Can I use Farmdeck without buying sensors or add-ons?

Yes, some of our app’s features don’t require sensors for you to use, like the Livestock, Paddocks and Vehicle features. However, these features require manual data entry. Purchasing add-ons (with sensors) will help you avoid any manual entry and will save you a lot of time, making your life easier!

Where do you store the data?

Farmdeck provides a private network solely for farmers and all data is kept within Australia, unlike other companies offering various IoT features – that usually have data collection by sensors that are located within Australia, and then process this information overseas before sending it sent back for visualisation in Australia, which allows overseas providers to mine and get insights into the data.

Do you deploy custom projects everywhere in Australia?

Yes, we have offices in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, but our team travels across the country to deploy Farmdeck projects involving sensors and networks.

Do you deploy custom projects outside of Australia?

Yes, we deploy outside of Australia too. Please contact us with your requirements.

Can I integrate other applications with Farmdeck?

Farmdeck is capable of integrating with other solutions that are based on industry standards. Contact us for more information relating to any 3rd party solution that you would like to integrate.

Can I use my own sensors with the Farmdeck app?

Yes, this is possible if sensors are compatible and adhere to industry standards.

Can I use the Farmdeck app and sensors on my own network?

Yes, Farmdeck works on any network.

Does Farmdeck work with other protocols than LoRa?

Yes, Farmdeck also works with 4G/5G, WiFi, RFID, Bluetooth, Ethernet and IP.

Who is Outcomex and why do I hear about them in your videos?

Outcomex is the parent company of Farmdeck. Outcomex is an IT company that was founded in 2006 in Sydney, Australia. A few years ago, the team decided to combine their two passions, technology and farming, to help other farmers like them increase their efficiency while reducing their costs. Since the foundation of Farmdeck, Outcomex has invested in a farm located in NSW as the trial site for all Farmdeck features to be field tested before release.