Cropping and grazing management
Use the Paddock and Fields feature to manage the essentials on your farm, including grazing, cropping and treatments.

Keep track of your paddock treatments>
Paddocks and Fields allows you to keep a record of your past and upcoming soil and crop treatments.
Combined with the Spraying Conditions feature which uses data from your weather station or from the closest regional weather forecast, automatically have the temperature, humidity, wind direction and speed recorded for you whenever you spray.

Better plan your livestock's next movement>
Manually or automatically manage your livestock’s movements on your paddocks using Farmdeck. Paddocks and Fields provides visibility over the essentials for day-to-day decision making on the farm including stocking rate.
Leverage the detailed information Farmdeck allows you to work with, including number of grazing days remaining, number of days a paddock has been resting, feed on offer, and pasture growth rate to help with making choices about when to move livestock between paddocks.

Manage your crops>
Paddocks and Fields is your centre for keeping track of your cropping. Assign crops to individual paddocks. Plan ahead with the information including:
- Crop type
- Sow date
- Planned harvest date
- Spray and treatment records and key dates

Easily look back in your paddock's history>
One of the biggest advantages of using the Farmdeck Paddocks and Fields feature is the ability to look back at your paddock history. A dated record is logged for every update you make to your paddocks using the Farmdeck app, including paddock treatments, livestock movement, and crop management.
Also leverage the Notes feature to add dated notes to each paddock, so you can record any additional information you need to manage your farm.